Customer commitment

Providing exemplary customer service is a goal Adelaide’s City of Hindmarsh and Woodville is committed to achieving for both external and internal customers.

As part of its customer service package, Council has endorsed a new ‘Customer Commitment’ document outlining specific methods of providing superior customer service. A copy of the ‘Customer Commitment’ is being circulated to all staff, who were consulted during the document’s development, to have them personally ‘sign up’ to the commitment.

“The Customer Commitment provides clear guidelines for staff on what is expected in providing superior customer service – something Council prides itself on,” said Geoff Whitbread, City Manager. “A focus on customer service is one of our corporate goals. This document is just one of the tools Council is using to achieve this goal and I am confident our customers will notice the improvements.”

An important aspect of Council’s focus on customer service is the development of a multi-disciplined Customer Service Team servicing a single-counter ‘one-stop-shop’ for all customer queries. This includes rates, dog registration and planning and building applications. The development of a new Civic Centre for the City gave Council the perfect opportunity to create a ‘purpose-built’ facility to best serve the needs of residents.

The continuation of Council’s innovative Community Comment Line (CCL) is another part of the customer service focus. Residents can access the CCL 24 hours-a-day by phoning Council’s ‘it’s as easy as 1-2-3’ number, where they are invited to leave their message. The CCL is monitored daily and all requests are passed on to a nominated Council officer from each Department who deals with the call.

Since its introduction in 1995, the Community Comment Line has received more than 500 calls. Topics have included trees, rubbish, graffiti, footpaths, dogs and a variety of compliments. The success of the initiative has been illustrated by the fact other Adelaide Councils have approached Hindmarsh Woodville for advice before they set up similar systems.

For further information about Hindmarsh and Woodville’s ‘Customer Commitment’ or Community Comment Line contact Mark Hofmeyer, Communications Officer, on (08) 8408 1109.