Cutting red tape for businesses

A new service which provides business people with fast, easy access to all the business licence information is now available from a handy one-stop-shop – their local Council.

Developed and trialed by five Tasmanian Councils, the service was launched in Launceston last December. Participating Councils included Launceston City Council, Waratah/Wynyard Council, Central Coast Council, Burnie Council and Break O’Day Council. The service will be extended across the whole of Tasmania in the future.

The new Business Licence Information Service (BLIS) overcomes the need for business operators to obtain details about hundreds of different licences and permits from scores of government agencies across Federal, State and Local Government spheres.

Putting BLIS software in Council offices cuts through red tape by creating a one-stop-shop for business licence information.

The project is a joint venture involving AusIndustry, Tasmania Development & Resources, the National Office of Local Government and the State Department of Environment and Land Management.

Using BLIS, business operators obtain a complete report of relevant licence requirements by answering a list of simple questions. A BLIS operator takes the client through the questions, and in around 10 minutes, provides a comprehensive report and application forms tailor made for the client. This service is free. Until recently, only State and Federal licensing requirements were available on BLIS.

By incorporating Local Government licence information and placing computers in Council offices, BLIS has become a unique and ground breaking service.

A major funding package made available by AusIndustry and the National Office of Local Government to the Department of Environment & Land Management in Tasmania, along with support from Tasmania Development & Resources, made the expansion of BLIS possible.

Other States are following the lead of Tasmania. Inclusion of Local Government licence requirements on BLIS is being piloted in Northern Territory, Western Australia, Victoria and shortly, in Queensland.

For further information contact Melissa Burr at the Office of AusIndustry, telephone (06) 213 7371.