Over the last 15 months Manningham has developed an integrated Customer Feedback System designed to track customer requests, suggestions and complaints, ensuring these are dealt with effectively and as quickly as possible.
Under the system, requests and complaints are entered into the system within 24 hours and drawn to the attention of the appropriate Service Unit. That Service Unit is then responsible for following up the matter and providing response details.
Target response times are set and when the matter is finalised, if appropriate, a letter to the resident concerned is automatically generated by the system.
The new system enables Council to record and track requests, look at any trends in demands for Council services, pinpoint recurring areas of complaint, measure performances against targets and monitor contract work under CCT. Reports can be generated using a wide range of fields.
With staff heavily involved in the setting up of the system, they were able to build in outcomes they saw as important.
The system helps management determine workloads and priorities in Council activities. Management can also readily identify areas of concern and changes taking place in the community, putting in place strategies to address any problem areas.