Safer return to school

Children in the City of Noarlunga travel safer to and from school, thanks to a new road safety scheme. Known as Safe Routes to School, the South Australian Department of Transport selected Noarlunga as one of two Councils in the State to pilot the scheme. It involves improving the safety of routes to and from primary schools, as well as including road safety issues in school curricula through science, maths and art.

Based on a successful Victorian model, six primary schools are taking part in Noarlunga’s Safe Routes to School program. The Program aims to involve Council, schools, children, teachers, parents, school councils, police, local residents and the State Government in a community approach.

“As a group we will look at the routes children use on foot, on bikes and in cars,” said Mayor Ray Gilbert. “The aim is to identify potential danger spots and fix them on a case by case basis.”

The initial stages of the program involving straightforward engineering improvements is already under way. Subsequent stages, including more substantial engineering work and incorporating road safety into regular class subjects, will be implemented in the 1997/98 financial year.

“Noarlunga will be an excellent test case for other areas, as we have a very young, community minded population,” Mayor Gilbert said.

Council has also recently installed improved speed zone signs in its school precincts coinciding with the new school year. Changes include new three tiered signs showing the words SCHOOL ZONE, a 25km/h speed restriction and the times the limit is in operation plus ‘Flashing Light’ school crossings (Koala crossings) replacing previous school crossing signs.

For further information contact Keith Arnold, telephone (08) 8383 0623.