A draft declaration, prepared in the lead up to Newcastle Council’s Pathways to Sustainability International Conference, was presented to a special session of the United Nations on 16 April. UN support as a signatory to the final declaration at the culmination of the Conference on 5 June is being sought.
The Newcastle declaration is an official commitment from Local Governments around the globe to take up the challenge of applying initiatives at a local level that will ensure the world’s sustainability into the 21st century.
Representatives of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives presented the document to the United Nations Commission of Sustainable Development session on Local Authorities.
“This is a very important international commitment,” said Newcastle’s Lord Mayor, Greg Heys. “It also symbolises the future direction of our City which is responding to the challenge of establishing sustainable management practices.”
The declaration will be officially signed by Local Government representatives at the International Conference, being held in Newcastle on 1-5 June.
The Conference, which is an official follow up to the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, is a centrepiece of Newcastle’s Bicentennial celebrations. It has been endorsed by the United Nations and the International Union of Local Authorities (IULA).
Registrations have already been received from 40 countries, and organisers say they expect more than 1,000 delegates to make the trip to Newcastle to hear 140 international and Australian speakers discuss the practical applications of Local Agenda 21.
President of the Australian Local Government Association, John Campbell said there was something in the Conference for Councils of all sizes.
“The Conference is filled with practical case studies from which we can learn how to better manage our cities and towns,” said Cr Campbell.
The program focuses on positive strategies for action, showcasing success stories and projects from 29 nations, including Africa, India, China, Canada, South America, New Zealand and Australia.
Speakers will include the Mayor of South Dublin, Breda Cass, and the Mayor of Rio De Janeiro, Caesar Maia.
For further information about this important International Conference, contact Newcastle City Council telephone (049) 29 9345.