Showcasing Gilgandra services

This month during NSW Local Government Week, Gilgandra Shire Council will showcase its achievements in health and community services. At a time when many rural communities are struggling to find ways to provide adequate levels of care and services which urban communities take for granted, Gilgandra can point to a range of initiatives enhancing the lives of its citizens.

On Wednesday 27 August, Council will showcase its initiatives in Aged Care Services; Disability Services, including residential and supported employment; a Government Access Program; Dental health project; Aboriginal youth and cultural project; and local industry development.

Mayor Carol Stockham will host guests on a guided tour of these and other projects being undertaken by Council. With a population of just 5,000 people, this western NSW Council has managed to retain and expand services others are finding difficult to fund and maintain.

The Government Access program is a two year pilot study designed to implement a ‘whole of government’ approach to service delivery in remote areas. Covering eight areas in western and northern NSW, the Government Access Centres will provide information on government activities and organise contact and referrals for citizens to access Government services.

The Centres overcome disadvantages that result from factors such as isolation, lack of transport, rural depopulation and limited employment opportunities. In the area of services for the aged and disabled, Council has assumed significant responsibility, taking over some areas no longer run by other Government agencies.

Included in the services Council run are residential services for people with developmental disabilities, enabling ongoing care in the local area where parents and family can be close by; the construction of a building to house a Community Access Service, which included design input by consumers of the service; and employment and work related training for people with physical and intellectual disabilities, set up under Carlginda Enterprises, which operates as a not for profit arm of the Gilgandra Shire Council.

Council employs some 80 people in the Aged Care and Disability Services, with a large percentage employed full time. This large employment has tremendous economic advantage for a small community. Successful enterprises managed by Carlginda include producing lathed and processed logs for a manufacturer of log homes, outdoor furniture and fencing, all using local timbers and facilities.

Securing of funding for such services has significantly added to employment opportunities in the town. Additionally, in 1985 Council undertook the building of a 40 bed hostel for older residents. The retirement village also incorporates 46 self care units and villa units offering security and independence.

Construction of the hostel, as with the many other projects Council has embarked on, was undertaken using local subcontractors and tradespeople, bringing flow on benefits for the wider community.

For further information contact General Manager, Paul Mann, telephone (068) 472 709.