Fast tracking flood repairs

Flood damage can be a costly and unpredictable burden on Council budgets. Delays in funding to carry out repairs results in a further economic burden if transport and other local activities are unable to operate.

In a demonstration of the success of the Memorandum of Understanding, that now operates between the Department of Housing and Local Government and Councils in the Northern Territory, funding to repair damage in the wake of Cyclone Rachel and an extreme wet season was approved within three months of the first meeting of relevant authorities.

Damage was sustained to major infrastructure, such as bridges roads and culverts. Many were washed away leaving some areas inaccessible. Total damage was assessed at $3.9 million.

A total of 31 Councils lodged claims for assistance. This is the first time that Councils have made a joint submission for road repairs. Many Councils had already undertaken essential emergency repairs with funds from other areas, however the need to repair other vital access roads meant the rapid funding approval greatly assisted those Councils unable to meet costs with their existing budgets.

Then President of the Local Government Association of the Northern Territory, Peter Kavanagh wrote to Local Government Minister Mick Palmer expressing appreciation on behalf of LGANT members for the support provided by the officers of the Local Government Division in assisting Councils to access funds.

For further information contact Jennie Renfree telephone (08) 8999 8477.