Exchange brings local jobs

Delatite Shire’s sister city relationship with Vail in Colorado, USA will result in seasonal jobs for local youth. An innovative sharing of resources will help to solve Vail’s chronic shortage of workers, while providing work and valuable experience for many Delatite residents.

Delatite’s main tourism industry centres around the high country and snow sports in winter and the lake, national parks and water sports in summer. The work opportunities associated are largely seasonal, with unemployment increasing in off peak seasons. By taking advantage of under employment in Vail, many Delatite seasonal workers in the tourism and associated industries can achieve year round employment and invaluable experience in a world renowned resort.

Year round employment will result in decreased staff turnover and increased employee commitment within the industry, which will enhance the overall customer experience. The relationship between Delatite and Vail has been fostered over a period of two years. Delatite sponsored two exchange students to Vail and there have now been two similar exchanges of students from Vail to Delatite. Delatite Shire Council and Vail formally entered into a sister city relationship in June 1997.

Delatite Mayor Bill Hill explained that the aim of the relationship is to develop economic cooperation and contact between the two municipalities in the fields of tourism, education, culture, health, sports and science. Since the sister city relationship was formed, representatives of the Vail Valley have visited Delatite and discussions commenced regarding work opportunities, art exchanges and business delegations.

Members of the Delatite Economic Development Board will oversee the sister city relationship and drive the local employment program in close cooperation with Vail. The town of Vail is an international mountain resort, located 100 miles west of Denver. It is an internationally acclaimed resort with its economy driven primarily by summer and winter tourism.

For further information contact Judy Dixon, telephone (03) 5760 2668.