Expediting infringement payments

Xpedite has announced the release of a next generation Penalty Control System (PCS). PCS has been developed in conjunction with users to assist Councils and other enforcement agencies manage parking, litter, animal and local law infringements.

Xpedite Professional Services Pty Ltd specialises in designing and developing quality systems for markets such as Local Government. Applications include property and rating, immunisation, animal registration and more.

Xpedite is also a major distributor for Centura Software renowned for its client server and Intranet enablement technology.

The system runs either as a stand alone or multi user client server system, using a user friendly Windows© environment. Data entry is streamlined by use of the bulk import facility of equipment such as Autocite machines.

An interface is provided to the relevant state traffic authorities, which allows the efficient passing of registration information related to infringements. An interface is also provided to both the PERIN and SETONS court systems, as well as a Council’s cash receipting systems.

PCS accounting reports provide information on revenues earned and cash received, and a document creation facility enables letters to be merged with fine information for efficient mailing. A parking permit module provides the capability to print both Residential and Visitor parking permits.

The program is supplied with both user and technical documentation as well as on line help. Comprehensive training is offered together with experienced on going support. Xpedite conduct regular enhancement programs based upon user feedback, to ensure continued compliance with changing regulations.

PCS has already achieved considerable market interest. Brisbane City Council has recently selected the product, and successfully put PCS into production to handle their substantial penalties requirement.

“Brisbane City Council evaluated a number of penalty processing systems,” said Peter Harrison, Team Leader, Development and Regulatory Services at Brisbane. “We were quick to establish that the City Manager Penalty Control System provides superior functionality and flexibility and delivers genuine business benefits to our organisation.”

Several other Councils are soon to implement the program.

For further information please contact Michael Holden telephone (03) 9690 9155.

*Copy supplied by Xpedite Professional Services Pty Ltd.