Carbon sink for central Qld

Carbon sink for central Qld Backed by Rockhampton City Council, the Capricornia Electricity Corporation Ltd, CAPELEC, and Flight West Airlines Pty Ltd, Central Queensland school children will issue an international Greenhouse challenge to children worldwide.

Spearheading the move for children to plant a ‘carbon sink for Central Queensland’ is the Children’s Tree Planting Project Inc, with work getting underway last month at a new aged care facility in North Rockhampton. Founder of the project and third term Rockhampton City Councillor, Stephen Schwarten said the emphasis is on replanting local native seed trees to preserve and enhance local biodiversity.

“There has been a gradual turn around in thinking on the local native habitat of Central Queensland and it is pleasing to see Local Government and local corporations leading the way,” he said.

The first 200 of hopefully hundreds of thousands of carbon sink trees were planted by Year 2 pupils from St Joseph’s Primary School at the new Sisters of Mercy aged care facility, Leinster Place.

“The last substantial remnant of local native brigalow scrub was cleared to make way for Leinster Place and out of the unsuccessful campaign to save the scrub came a comment from this sensitive corporation to use plants from the brigalow community in the landscaping,” Councillor Schwarten said. “The Children’s Tree Planting Project also focuses on giving children the chance to join in earth repair activities in a fun atmosphere.

“Through the ‘Make Friends With Mother Earth’ show, which in 1997 toured 29 schools throughout the region, the word is spreading that it is pretty cool to be helping heal the environment.” Councillor Schwarten says plans are in place to double the number of performances in 1998.

“Through the tree planting projects and the show we will be signing children up in the Friendship Army – Children’s Tree Force through which an international Greenhouse challenge is being issued.”