Working with hazardous substances

An employee was working in the kitchen of a house removing old linoleum from the floor. The method used was to tear off the top layer of the linoleum, scrape off as much of the underlay and adhesive as possible, then cover the remaining adhesive with solvent to soften it so that it could be more easily scraped off.

While the solvent was being used, vapours built up to dangerous levels, creating an explosive mixture. There was an explosion and fire in which the employee received third degree burns to 90 percent of his body. He died in hospital a short time later. A spark from an appliance such as the refrigerator may have provided the source of ignition.

With the wide variety of materials used in many work places, the potential for an accumulation of fumes through poor work practice or storage facilities pose a real concern. In many instances, such as the above case, flammable vapours have low flash points which may endanger an unsuspecting employee.

Storage of Dangerous Substances in accordance with Australian Standard AS1940-1993, ‘The Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids’ is mandatory. Enware Australia Pty Limited has a wide range of both internal and external Dangerous Goods Stores from 50 litre capacity to 16 pallets for external storage, which comply to relevant Australian Standards.

If you require clarification on standards, your current storage requirements, or product information please feel free to contact Enware Australia 1800 671 864.

*Copy supplied by Enware Australia.