School children in Western Australia are once again enjoying the protection of the Local Government Road Safety Strategy, RoadWise, through the Safe Routes to School program. RoadWise is a partnership between Local Government and communities to reduce road trauma in Western Australia.
Already operating in over 200 communities, the Program involves schools, their surrounding community, parents and children. As well as developing safe road and pedestrian behaviour, it helps identify the safest route between home and school.
RoadWise coordinator, Julie Parsons, said that the program aims to encourage everyone to think and act in a safe manner around schools.
“At the start of the school year, we see lots of new parents and new children coming to school,” she said. “It is important that we provide as much information as possible about how to be RoadWise so that everyone gets to school and back home safely.”
The program not only includes advice and strategies for children, it also advises parents of the risks associated with dropping off and picking up children, double parking and the reduced speed zones around schools.
“We try to work with parent groups to get them to think about the safety of the children rather than the convenience of double parking at the school’s front gate,” Julie explained. “Congestion around schools increases the risk of pedestrian and car crashes so it is important that we work together to promote safer practices. This might mean parking a little further away and walking with your children the rest of the way.”
Children themselves assist the program, painting blue footprints on identified safer routes and ‘smiley face’ STOP signs.
“The children love being involved in this process and it really promotes ownership and understanding of what the safe route is and why and how the students should use it,” Julie Parsons said.
For further information contact Andrew Salter, RoadWise Development Officer, telephone (08) 9321 5055.