In the absence of shared borders and with long distances between local authorities, Northern Territory Councils and the communities they serve, have much to gain from advances in Information Technology.
The Local Government Association of Northern Territory (LGANT) has submitted an application to the Department of Communications and the Arts for funding under the Regional Telecommunications Infrastructure Program (RTIF). This will connect all Councils in the Territory to Internet, Intranet and email facilities.
It is hoped the system will be in place by the year 2000. Although expected to cost $2 million over three years, it will greatly facilitate inter Council communications allowing considerable cost savings in terms of travel, mail and communications.
LGANT is working with RODMIL Consulting services to apply for funding and will employ their technical expertise to implement the project. The capacity to provide Territory wide training programs, advice and support services will greatly enhance the efficiency of isolated Councils through standardising processes and offering ready accountability.
A by product of the service will be the ability to promote the various regions of the Territory for tourism and other purposes. With resources, advice and ideas able to be shared at the touch of a keyboard, the tyranny of distance should be greatly reduced.
For further information contact Jeff Hoare, Executive Director of LGANT, telephone (08) 8981 3660.