Introduction from the Minister

I would like to welcome readers to the third issue of Local Government – A National Perspective. This issue looks at a range of Commonwealth programs that are aimed at helping Local Government improve services to its communities, and at building on the growing partnership between our levels of government.

The Year 2000 problem or ‘millennium bug’ is receiving increasing attention, not only here in Australia, but across the globe. The Commonwealth, in partnership with all levels of government, is working to discuss, exchange and share strategies which address the Year 2000 problem.

Coordinated through the Office of Government Information Technology, ‘Towards Year 2000 Compliance’ provides a brief overview of these strategies as well as advice on how Local Government can obtain further information about the Year 2000 project.

Active Australia is a national participation framework aimed at getting all Australians actively involved in sport, community recreation, fitness, outdoor recreation and other physical activities. Active Australia is a collaborative venture involving all levels of government, and this issue of the newsletter provides information on a number of resources that will assist councils with its implementation.

This issue also provides information on two Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander projects funded under the Local Government Development Program. The Remote Area Management Project, which aims to develop the community management skills of elected members of remote Aboriginal communities, and the Building Bundjalung Cultural Bridges Project which aims to enhance better consultation practices between the council and their indigenous communities.

This issue of A National Perspective highlights these and other activities through which the Commonwealth is working to ensure that policies and programs can be attuned to the particular needs of Local Government and the community.

Finally, I would ask that you give consideration to involving your council and alerting your community to the important safety messages being promoted through the Kidsafe program. This campaign offers councils a unique vehicle to promote safety issues through their local press and council publications.

Alex Somlyay, Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government