Wide support for Katherine region

Councils throughout the Northern Territory and nationwide have come to the assistance of people in the Katherine region in the wake of the devastating floods in late January.

“Territory Councils sent work gangs, equipment and plant and machinery to the stricken area as well as acting as collection points for Flood Appeal donations and coordinating transport of food, clothing and other assistance,” said Jeff Hoare, Executive Director of the Local Government Association of Northern Territory.

He said that while much assistance came from Darwin City Council, it was wonderful to see the number of small Councils that gave assistance in whatever way they could.

Darwin established a hotline and manned phones to provide information on the floods. It also coordinated a Rotary club effort, providing buses for volunteers and supplies to travel to Katherine to help with the clean up. In addition, Council’s computer service was used to process the Town of Katherine’s payroll.

Timber Creek Community Government Council sent work gangs, while Jabiru cleaned out its store and sent the supplies to Katherine. LGANT is assisting by coordinating the national appeal for donations.

At the end of February when the appeal had been running for less than a week, Councils around Australia had already donated $25,000.

“Much of the hard work remains to be done,” Jeff Hoare said. “While the Army, Emergency Services, and the Department of Local Government and Housing have been quick to restore essential services and basic accommodation, now that they have withdrawn people still have to cope with the loss of belongings, effects of local business, jobs and other lifestyle issues.

“Many residences and businesses were not covered for flood damage due to prohibitive premiums in an unpredictable climate. As a result many businesses will be unable to recover leaving many out of work.”

Mayor of Katherine, Jim Forscutt, fears that up to 2,000 people may be forced to leave the area.

Cheques payable to the Katherine Town Council Flood Appeal can be forwarded to LGANT at GPO Box 4502, Darwin, NT 0801. Donations will assist restoration of Council property and services.