Rising above the floodwaters

Devastating floods, which engulfed the Katherine region in February, received wide publicity around Australia reminding everyone in this land of ‘drought and flooding rains’ just how fickle and unpredictable the forces of nature can be.

While floods are not foreign in the Top End during the wet season, this particular flood exceeded the previous one in a hundred year flood level by over one and a half metres. Measuring devices have not been able to put a firm figure on the level because the flood exceeded existing measuring capacity.

The plight of Katherine is well known but other communities were equally devastated by the waters, including Daly River and the Binjari, Jilkminggan and Wugularr communities. While officials say no one could be prepared for such an event, the spirit which enables people to live in remote and rugged communities came to the fore instantly as people pitched in to overcome the devastation of nature.

Apart from heroic efforts to rescue people, pets, livestock and property during the flood, in the aftermath everyone in the Katherine region pitched in to ease the burden with all kinds of resources accruing to communal ownership for a time. Local businesses and food stores threw open their doors to emergency services for distribution to those in need.

“If residents have the confidence to support their town and approach the reconstruction of their community with a positive attitude then it can bounce back to an even stronger position with greater skills to meet the challenges of the future,” said Kevin Grey, Acting CEO, Katherine Town Council.

“Character is achieved in the face of adversity and Katherine is a town with its own identity.”

One factor clouding the future is the possibility that insurance may not cover all of the damage. One estimate suggests Council alone may be out of pocket up to $10 million and with an increased need for services.

Among the many organisations which have offered to help the region are Councils throughout the Territory. An approach to the Australian Local Government Association also resulted in a National Local Government Appeal which is currently underway.

Cheques payable to the Katherine Town Council Flood Appeal can be forwarded to LGANT at GPO Box 4502, Darwin, NT 0801. All donations will assist restoration of Council facilities and community services.