The sport and recreation industry is emerging as one of Australia’s major service industries. The industry consists mainly of small organisations and businesses, such as sporting, recreation and fitness clubs/organisations and is characterised by high levels of volunteer involvement.
Active Australia is striving to become the face of community sport and recreation by working cooperatively and strategically with the key agencies in the sport, recreation, health, Local Government and education sectors.
As an emerging service industry it is important that the organisations and people, both paid and voluntary, working hard to ensure enjoyable, safe experiences for all Australians are recognised for their good practices and achievements. The Active Australia Annual Awards will recognise good practices in sport and recreation organisations.
The Awards are designed to recognise the efforts of voluntary or commercial organisations and individuals who are committed to the Active Australia goals and principles. The Awards will be judged each year and presented in December. They will be given to organisations that demonstrate the practice of Active Australia goals/principles in their day to day operations. Awards will be made to individuals and/or organisations nominated in a number of categories some of which are relevant to Local Government agencies.
Local Government
For Local Government authorities that promote and encourage participation in physical activity.
For special and innovative initiatives that promote and increase participation in physical activities.
Active Australia event
For initiating events that promote and demonstrate the principles of Active Australia. All winners will receive an Active Australia commemorative plaque and cheque for $1,000.
How To Apply
All applicants need to send in the Expression of Interest form to receive an Application Kit and award category criteria. Applications addressing the award criteria need to be completed and returned by 30 September 1998.
Further Information
For enquiries about the Active Australia Awards telephone (02) 6214 1490 or fax (02) 6214 1640 email
Expression of Interest
Please send me _________ copies of the Application Kit for the 1998 Active Australia Awards.
Tel /Fax
Return to:
Active Australia Awards
Participation Division
Australian Sports Commission
PO Box 176
Belconnen ACT 2616
The Active Australia Awards are supported by Recreation Industry Council of Australia, Australian Sports Commission, Confederation of Australian Sport, Fitness Australia, Outdoor Recreation Council of Australia, Community Recreation Council of Australia and Standing Committee on Recreation and Sport.