For many local Councils there is a great deal of interest in the Active Australia concept and how it might impact upon the policies and practices of Council. Local Councils can contribute to a healthier, active community by inviting more people to get out and have a go and by committing to ensuring a safer, more accessible environment for physical activity in that community.
To provide Councils with the answers and information on how to do this, the Australian Sports Commission, with funding support from the National Office of Local Government has produced a resource kit.
The Active Australia in Local Councils Resource Kit has been produced by a team of Local, State, and Federal Government personnel. The Resource Kit describes the Active Australia philosophy, and provides ideas, case studies, contact details and promotional materials.
It also outlines details on how Councils can join the Active Australia Local Government Network.
The aim of the Kit is to assist local Councils with developing facilities, programs and services at the local community level which encourage participation in a multitude of physical pursuits.
The Kit will be made available free of charge to interested Councils and can be ordered from the Australian Sports Commission Publications Services Unit, telephone (02) 6214 1915, fax (02) 6214 1995 or email