The Never Too Late! Program is a joint initiative of the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA). The Program provides funding to organisations who propose to modify their sport and recreational activities to enable veterans to participate in new and existing physical activity opportunities.
Veteran communities are those who have served in conflicts of war, as well as their spouses, carers and widows. The Program is administered by a joint steering committee. Recommendations are submitted to the Australian Sports Commission Board and the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs for approval.
Since the Program began 20 projects have been funded. These include table tennis, volleyball, tenpin bowling, softball, Aussie Rules, orienteering, shoot & shuffle, curolling (similar to curling), step reebok to name a few.
About the Applications
Any ex-service, community, national sporting organisation or relevant private organisation can submit an application. The following conditions must be considered.
- The project must specifically target the Veteran community, not just older people in general.
- The funding provided is a ‘seeding grant’. Ongoing funding will not be provided. The objective is to use this initial funding to set up a model that can then be replicated and be self supporting. Special consideration may be given to an organisation that intends to expand a successful project from a region to a state/national level.
- Funding is not provided for ‘one off’ events.
The next round of applications for funding for the 1998/99 financial year close on 30 September 1998.
For more information please contact Christine Akello (ASC) on (02) 6214 1030 or Valerie Still (DVA) on (02) 6289 4742.