A Community Partnerships program at the City of Wyndham in Victoria has proved highly successful, with a number of projects completed ahead of expectations. The program has also led to an increased understanding by the community about the logistics involved for Council in providing local facilities and projects.
Launched in 1997, the program aims to improve the quality of life through projects that will enhance a sense of community and provide significant benefits for the people of Wyndham.
Council meets 50 percent of project costs where clubs or community groups demonstrate a proposal will benefit the wider community. To date, Council has contributed more than $170,000 to 14 projects. These include the Werribee Secondary College Oval, extensions to the Community Centre building and the further development of picnic facilities at the Adventure Playground.
Coordinator Danny Kolgan, said the program has brought forward a lot of projects and activities which Council may not otherwise have been able to complete until some time in the future.
“More importantly, it has enabled community groups to be involved from the development of the idea through to completion,” he said. “This means the community can clearly state what they want and then make it happen, rather than Council deciding what is to be done.”
For further information contact Danny Kolgan, telephone (03) 9741 9400.