Creating a civic centre

A proposal to redesign and update the Alice Springs Town Council site will provide an opportunity to create a cultural and community centre for the Town. “The development will be an opportunity for a unique and creative precinct in Alice Springs which, up to now, the Town has lacked,” said Chief Executive Officer, Nick Scarvelis.

Consultation has involved local residents and businesses, including Council Advisory Committees, Government Departments, Emergency Services, Service Clubs, the tourism industry, and other community groups which have a direct interest in what happens on the site. Proposals include a Town Hall, a coach terminal, an attractive public meeting place and other amenities.

“The notion of Civics is worth promoting,” Nick Scarvelis said. “While we wanted to build a new administration base, we wanted to provide something with a stronger community hub for Alice Springs.

“We wish to expand the meeting spaces available for people in the Town. We are also trying to maintain a cultural identity of the ‘Centre’ and to accentuate that aspect of Alice Springs.

“An integral and important component of the feasibility study was consultation with stakeholders, Council staff, the public and other potential users of the new development and its facilities.

“Consultation so far has indicated people are very enthusiastic. The commercial sector is very keen that we encourage a family friendly community centre,” Nick Scarvelis said.

“Free and open exchange of ideas and information will be required through each phase of the project development, and this will involve listening to ideas and feedback from the public and incorporating these ideas into the design.”

For further information contact Nick Scarvelis, telephone (08) 8950 0500.