Each edition we feature the views of a State Local Government Association President. The following is from Councillor Margaret Vigants, President – Local Government Association of the Northern Territory.
This is the time of the year when Local Government Association Presidents in all States and the Territory formally report back to member Councils at Annual General Meetings on what has been achieved during the past financial year.
In the formal report that I have just written for presentation at the Annual General meeting of the Association, I am pleased to report that LGANT has made progress on behalf of Territory Local Government on a number of fronts during 1997/98. These include policy development, representation, lobbying, member services and telecommunications to name a few.
While being positive and recognising our achievements in these areas, I also had to comment on two impediments to the work of the Association during 1997/98. They both relate to the relationship between Local Government and the Northern Territory Government.
Firstly, the attitude of Territory Government Ministers to Local Government must change. There is a negativity and arrogance that must be overcome if progress is to be made. When the Memorandum of Understanding was signed last year, we in Local Government thought things might change as the wording committed the Government to consulting effectively on major issues.
There have been several occasions during the year when the actions of the Government have shown the words to be just that. The way the demise of the Yulara Town Council occurred and the handling of the review of the Planning Act are examples.
Secondly, the lack of progress on major issues is of concern. Examples of this include the review of the Operational Subsidy methodology, which after a lot of work was not proceeded with. The Reform Agenda and the failure to even convene a first meeting is another.
It is frustrating when Local Government is urged by Ministers to embrace reform issues and when it does respond effectively nothing happens. I hope we can see changes in these aspects of our relationship in the coming year.
LGANT will be renegotiating the Memorandum of Understanding with the Northern Territory Government during 1998/99 and this will present an opportunity to draw attention to these negatives in our relationship with the Northern Territory Government.
Coalition Tax Reform Package
As I write this contribution to FOCUS further information is coming to hand on aspects of the GST package and how it will affect Local Government.
What is clear is that while the transfer of Financial Assistance Grants to States/Territory is seen as a major issue of concern, the achievement of zero rating for Local Government is a major achievement and a testimony to the hard work put in by the ALGA and State/Territory Associations and Councils.
The dollar benefits that will be saved by Councils in future years if this package does eventually get implemented is massive. The extent of these dollar savings tends to put in perspective some of the debates we have about subscriptions to Associations at both the State/Territory and National levels. With best wishes to all readers of FOCUS from all in Local Government in the Territory.