With the introduction of the ANZ Visa Purchasing Card your Council can now streamline its current purchasing methods. Industry statistics indicate that up to 80 percent (KPMG Cost Benefit Analysis: April 1995) of an organisation’s purchases fall into the high volume, low value category, with processing costs for each of these purchases estimated to exceed $50 (Australian Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management Survey: Sep 1995).
Councils stand to benefit from significant savings and more profitable use of staff time by addressing this area.
The aim of the ANZ Visa Purchasing Card is to automate the purchasing process. This allows Council to carry out quickly and effortlessly the large volume of small value, business to business transactions, while maintaining spending controls and effective management information reporting.
Because ANZ Visa Purchasing Card automates many of the purchasing procedures, valuable employee hours may be utilised for more productive tasks, such as negotiating terms with major suppliers or seeking out competitive quotes, instead of time consuming filing, purchase order/invoice matching, data entry and cheque generation.
There is no establishment fee. The ANZ Visa Purchasing Card has an annual card fee, calculated on a sliding scale relative to the number of cards required by your organisation. The fee is charged quarterly in advance to spread the cost over the business year.
For further details please contact the ANZ Commercial Card Service Centre on 1800 032 481 or, alternatively, contact your nearest ANZ State Sales Manager.
In New South Wales and Queensland contact Mike Chandler, telephone (02) 9843 4075 or fax (02) 9843 4077.
For all other States and the Northern Territory contact John Reilly, telephone (03) 9273 0686 or fax (03) 9273 0630.
*Copy supplied by ANZ.