Low cost promotion

Being a small Council is no reason not to promote yourself according to Bernie McCarthy, Acting Council Clerk at Mataranka Community Government Council in the Northern Territory.

Self promotion can create a more positive and cooperative attitude in the community and higher morale and productivity internally. However, small Councils simply do not have the same level of resources to devote to promotion as big City Councils. But, Bernie McCarthy says there are many low cost methods of achieving the same results as a public relations department.

“Simple changes such as using a ‘user friendly’ signature to sign correspondence rather than formal initials creates an image of a more approachable organisation,” he said. “Likewise prompt response to media requests creates an image of media consciousness and accessibility.”

He pointed out that paid promotion may not be as expensive as you think.

“At Yulara when I was there, Council commissioned national radio personality John laws and two local radio announcers in a three month radio promotion which cost in total just $1,500,” he said. “Community television promotion is also very low cost.”

He recommends other affordable techniques for small Councils, such as creation of an easily identifiable slogan and modern Council logo via a competition; a community newsletter; merchandising Council’s logo via such items as calendars, T shirts, and fridge magnets; prominent positioning of a Community noticeboard; and, having promotional material on hand for film screenings and tourist events.

Bernie McCarthy said he has seen many communities benefit from simple promotional ideas that have helped people to recognise the value of their Council.

“Commonsense ideas can be implemented at relatively affordable cost,” he said. “Do not engage expensive consultants until you have fully explored all local possibilities.”

And, of course, you can also publicise your innovative and interesting stories by letting us know about them at FOCUS.

For further information contact Bernie McCarthy, telephone 0419 102 134.