Holistic approach to workplace health

With the abolition of a compulsory retiring age in NSW, Tweed Shire Council’s Human Resources Unit were concerned that many staff, particularly in the outdoor area, might find themselves in jobs which no longer matched their physical capacities.

The solution was an extensive program which aimed at analysing different areas of work in terms of functional requirements and adopting a broad approach to health and fitness.

“We were prompted by the effective uselessness of pre employment medicals,” said Joyce Lillian Manager of Tweed’s Human Resources Unit. “It was essential to find a way of assessing peoples’ abilities fairly and to have more information so we could make an assessment based on the requirements of a particular job.”

The Employee Health and Fitness for Work Program was designed with the assistance of an Occupational Therapist experienced in rehabilitation assessment, planning, and advice on workplace health.

Apart from assessment of workplace requirements, it also encourages a healthy lifestyle through the quarterly distribution of a healthy lifestyle magazine, regular medical and heart health checks and counselling. The counselling program is independent of Council. It is fully confidential and available to staff for either work related or personal problems.

“What was needed was a rounded package to encourage a general holistic approach to health,” Joyce Lillian said.

She said that overall the program has brought about a cultural change in attitudes to health and fitness within and outside the workplace. This has resulted in benefits in terms of a fitter workforce and reduced accident premiums.

“Since the Program’s inception two and a half years ago, our accident claims history has been steadily improving,” she said.

The value of the program is underscored by the discovery of lingering health problems among many employees. In one case, an employee was found to have what is usually a fatal disease but had a fully recovery due to early diagnosis.

For further information contact Joyce Lillian, telephone (02) 6672 0424.