‘But I did not realise I could not leave my car here. The rules are different where I come from!’ This common response to Parking and Information Officers at Hobart City Council has prompted Council to initiate moves aimed at achieving a national standard for parking enforcement. Hobart’s Senior Customer Service Officer, Bob Barnes, said this initiative uses a twofold approach.
“We want to overcome problems that arise due to variations in processes between States,” he said. “And we want to find a standard best practice approach to doing the job. Our program aims to assist Officers to learn from each other nationwide, and have their credentials recognised anywhere in Australia.”
Specific aims of the program include establishing national standardised training, an Officer exchange program and, depending on the cooperation of relevant State and Territory bodies, the institution of common signage across Australia.
Hobart has been at the forefront of change in the administration of parking laws with its Officers also deputising as Information Officers. This has resulted in a non confrontational, user friendly approach to parking regulations.
Many other Councils have restructured their approach to Parking Services along these lines, including Perth City Council and the Australian Capital Territory. Hobart’s efforts have earned it a number of awards including a national award from the Parking Association of Australia. The awards have provided funding for some aspects of the Program.
The City has hosted a series of meetings bringing Parking Officers from all over Australia together to discuss parking issues and begin the process of standardising parking management. It has also initiated a series of exchanges where officers can spend a week working in other Cities. During the period of exchange, Officers work with a ‘buddy’ and participate in team meetings providing valuable intercity liaison.
“The program provides a good exchange of ideas,” Bob Barnes said. “Officers learn how to perform better and bring their input back to their own teams.”
Bob said moving to a more uniform approach across the nation will solve many problems confronting Parking Officers making it easier to deliver the service. Unfortunately, he said, the problem of instituting common signage will take longer due to the many bodies involved.
For further information contact Bob Barnes, telephone (03) 6238 2198.