Each edition we feature the views of a State Local Government Association President. The following is from Councillor Tom Pyne, President Local Government Association of Queensland.
The last year of the second millennium promises to be a very busy period for Queensland Local Government. The major new challenge for our State’s system of Local Government will be implementing financial and administration reforms associated with the GST.
This undoubtedly will be a time consuming and costly exercise for large and small Councils alike. The LGAQ for its part will continue to fight for the best possible deal for its member Councils with respect to the fairness and cost to Local Government in implementing the new tax system.
Queensland Local Government will also be faced with the ongoing implementation of National Competition Policy reforms and the Integrated Planning Act. Both these legislative reforms have and will continue to demand a large slice of Councils’ time and attention.
This year will also bring changes to the rating and financial provisions of the 1993 Local Government Act which is now five years old &endash; how time flies. Councils, councillors and intending elected members will no doubt be focusing on the 25 March 2000 triennial election over the next year and a bit.
The LGAQ is intending to undertake a third Community Attitude towards Local Government study in the first half of the year to be published August/September to ensure Councils get an accurate reading of the mood in the electorate – a last chance to test the waters if you like.
At LGAQ level, the Association will move into its new headquarters in March which will be officially opened on 21 April by the Minister for Local Government and Planning, the Hon Terry Mackenroth MLA. All Councils will be welcome to this important event. Later in the year the 1999 LGAQ Annual Conference will be held in Toowoomba, the first occasion the Association has ventured west of the divide this decade.
I have publicly indicated that I will retire from Local Government at the next election. March 1999 marks the beginning of my 39th and final year in public life. I intend publishing a book towards the end of the year on my time in Local Government.
In the meantime I intend to continue to work for the betterment of Queensland Local Government and wish all Councils, elected Members and staff a successful 1999.