With the ultimate aim of providing equity and access to services, in 1997 the ACT Government launched AUSTOUCH kiosks.
The kiosks, located in high pedestrian traffic areas throughout the City, now provide Canberra residents and visitors with 24 hour access to information and bill paying services. They are an integral part of the ACT Government’s ultimate aim of providing most government services online by 2001.
Since their introduction, the kiosks have undergone a number of changes to keep pace with changes in demand for services and new technology. Among those developments was a decision to tender out the service.
Consistent with the ACT Government’s reform process, careful consideration was given to the specifications of the contract to ensure protection of the public interest and fulfillment of technical needs. Ongoing expert management of the contract to minimise risks and maximise service delivery is essential.
Establishing of a good working relationship between the purchaser, the Department of Urban Services, and
the provider is important to ensure they each meet their respective obligations. In the case of the Department
of Urban Services, the challenge has been to manage the technical performance of the kiosks and encourage public use.
Similarly, the external provider must meet performance standards in terms of fault notification, adequate customer support and availability. This form of service delivery has once again proved cost efficient for the ACT Government with a net savings of $2 per transaction over other service delivery methods.
One significant problem in managing provision of information services by an external contractor has been overcome by converting to an Internet environment. In this way the purchaser is not dependent on the provider’s proprietary software but can complete minor updates inhouse.