Optimum service delivery

The ACT’s unique role of providing both State Government and Local Government services has a number of advantages. These include the following.

  • With a single budget there is greater flexibility for balancing changing priorities.
  • Potential for overlap or conflict in areas such as planning and health is avoided.
  • Elected representatives are closer to the community than other State jurisdictions.

The Urban Services Department provides Canberra with the services it needs to function as a city. These include town planning, heritage and environment, waste management, libraries, parks, forests, and roads. In addition, it also handles public transport and housing.

Traditional community services, usually provided by Local Government, fall under the umbrella of the Departments of Health or Education. Recreation facilities and programs come under the Department of Sport.

Through the ACT public service reform process, the Department of Urban Services has also moved to an output or result based approach. This ensures it is continually striving to deliver the quality services people require at a value for money price.

In taking a more business like approach, over the past three years, the Department has progressively moved to a purchased/provider model through the creation of Business Units. Although the emphasis has not been on compulsory tendering, these Units have improved their efficiency and effectiveness through establishing specified levels of service.

They have also increased their output through workplace reforms, skills enhancement training and a continuous improvement program. Market testing does occur but the key is to ensure inhouse teams are properly positioned and have the necessary skills to compete with outside bidders.

To measure its performance, the Department has sought out a number of industry benchmark partners. These include local Councils, such as Melbourne, Brisbane, Wollongong and Newcastle; Austroads; State Housing Authorities; and so forth.

In focusing on the customer, regular Customer Satisfaction Surveys provide a clear indication of both the relevance of services and the performance levels being achieved. These results are used in business planning and to pinpoint where specific improvements are required.

The introduction of a Call Centre has assisted in streamlining customer requests. A complaints system, as well as feedback forms being available at all service points, greatly assists the Department in providing optimum services.