Now is the time to register your interest in attending the International Congress on Local Government Engineering and Public Works, incorporating the 10th National Local Government Engineering Conference. It will be staged at the Sydney Convention Centre from 22-26 August.
Hosted by the Institution of Engineers Australia, the International Public Works Federation, and the Institute of Municipal Engineering Australia, the Congress will present a range of challenging themes. These include Politics, Community and Customers; Competitive Tendering; Infrastructure Management; Towards Sustainable Communities; Project and Risk Management; and Technologies for the new Millennium.
Chairman of the Organising Committee, Les McMahon, General Manager of the Macarthur Waste Board, and his team, have arranged a winning program of papers and events. Sixty seven papers, including eleven international papers, guarantee Congress delegates an insight into world experiences and trends.
Keynote speakers include Geoff Greenough, Commissioner of Engineering and Public Works for the City of Moncton on the East Coast of Canada, Chair of the American Public Works Association (APWA) International Affairs Committee, past President of APWA and former Director of the Canadian Public Works Association; and Geoff Amos, General Manager and Director, Transit Services of the Olympic Roads and Transport Authority (ORTA), who has played a leading role in the development of ORTA’s planning for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. A Trade Exhibition and a number of Technical Tours are included in the program.
For further information contact the Congress Secretariat on (02) 9241 1478 or email:
Click here to visit the International Congress on Local Government Engineering and Public Works web site