Councils across Queensland celebrated Local Government Awareness Week during May. Many Councils used this opportunity to better inform their residents and ratepayers about the work they undertake in the community.
Some Councils took unusual steps to raise their profile. At Burnett Shire, 25 Council staff had their heads shaved to fundraise for leukaemia research, while Bundaberg conducted a three hour ‘Mystery Tour’ of Council facilities via air conditioned coach.
Special programs for schools, youth and children featured in many Councils’ activities. These included invitations to schools to attend Council meetings at Kilkivian, a careers day at Livingstone and, at Bowen, an open day in which 250 school children visited Council offices and facilities.
Cairns highlighted its interest in the Arts with exhibitions, dance performances and music events. More directly related to the common concerns of Local Government was an animal control demonstration.
A statewide essay competition gave revealing insight into how young people perceive Local Government. Junior winner, Michelle Walpole concentrated on the ‘superior environmental services’ provided by her Council, Maroochy Shire. These, she said, make Maroochydore a great place to live in style and comfort.
Senior winner was Claire Parry from Rockhampton. She believes the three most important services Council provides are recycling, library services and maintenance of parks and gardens. Claire said the role and responsibilities of local Councils is commendable and adequately met.