Active Australia is all about getting Australians up and active whether that means going for a walk, cycling with the family, joining a health club or being involved in the many sport and recreation opportunities on offer. Its basis is a national participation framework &endash; a shared approach by a range of different organisations aimed at getting Australians involved in quality physical activity.
The framework provides a common language and direction for these organisations to work together in making a healthier, happier nation. Active Australia focuses on two main areas &endash; encouraging people to be more physically active and working to improve the places where people can be active.
These places include sport, recreation and fitness clubs and organisations as well as schools, local parks and areas where we walk or cycle. Research tells us that being active is a key step toward improving health, wellbeing and quality of life.
Many people find that exercise helps them work more effectively and have more energy to enjoy their lives and leisure time activities.
Who is involved with Active Australia?
No single organisation owns Active Australia. It is a coordinated approach by a range of government and non government groups at the national, state and local level. These include agencies responsible for sport and recreation, health, Local Government and education.
How is Local Government involved?
Local Government authorities throughout Australia are contributing to Active Australia in numerous ways.
- For some it involves doing exactly what they have been doing in the past in relation to their provision of sport and recreation services programs and facilities.
- For others it is about changing their attitudes and practices to sport, recreation and physical activity provision for the community.
- For others it is about developing more strategic alliances and partnerships with the other agencies throughout the community that have a focus on providing better sport and recreation opportunities.
- For others it is about rethinking the importance sport and recreation plays in shaping and determining the quality of life of a community.
All of these approaches by Local Government are embraced under the Active Australia framework with the vision of getting more people involved and working to improve the places where these people can be active.
Every local government authority throughout the country is encouraged to examine how it might become part of the Active Australia concept.
This supplement features a number of relevant opportunities local government may wish to explore. For further information contact Jeff Dry on (08) 8416 6730.