Lord Mayors agree on drug strategies

A recent meeting of the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors (CCCLM) resulted in agreement on a range of drug strategies.

Meeting in Melbourne on 16 July, the Lord Mayors of Adelaide, Darwin, Hobart, Perth and Melbourne, together with the ACT Urban Services Minister and CEOs from all capital cities attended. They were addressed by Victoria’s Police Commissioner Neil Comrie and Professor David Penington, Chair of a major study into drug use and its effects.

The Lord Mayors endorsed an initiative by Melbourne City Council to develop a pilot program for a drugs recovery centre, and to meter drugs diversion programs, as well as acknowledge drug initiatives of other Capital Cities. Establishing a website to maintain and communicate information on illicit drug matters between the Cities will also be undertaken.

The Lord Mayors resolved to continue work begun by the Drugs Advisory Committee, chaired by Professor Penington, and to consult on the future membership of that Committee.

Health and Police Ministers and Commissioners have been invited to meet with CCCLM to inform them about these strategies. Likewise, the Lord Mayors will continue to seek the advice and support of these key players in endeavouring to ensure safe and humane capital cities.

In addition, each of the Lord Mayors has undertaken to inform all other Councils and Local Government bodies in their State or Territory regarding these strategies.

At this meeting, it was also resolved that a means be created whereby CCCLM can make a joint approach to Canberra on a range of Capital City issues.