Message from the Minister

I am pleased to bring you this issue of National Perspective. This issue includes the latest news on Local Government issues, particularly the Federal Government’s most recent initiatives in Local Government.

The payment of Financial Assistance Grants (FAGs) will be $1.265 billion this financial year. FAGs have increased by $36 million this year&emdash;and by $100 million since the Coalition came into Office in 1996. This issue includes a breakdown of the payments to be made.

Since the last issue, the Federal Budget has been announced. A positive for Local Government was the announcement of a new $7 million Local Government Incentive Programme (LGIP). I am currently looking at the best ways to distribute the funding available and I am seeking comments from Local Government representatives on my proposals.

The Rural Transaction Centres (RTC) Programme is delivering some impressive results. I have recently announced successful applicants in the first round for funding. The first RTC in Australia will be opened soon.

Entries to the 1999 National Awards for Innovation in Local Government closed on 13 August. We have received a record number of entries. I look forward to announcing the winners from a very competitive field at the Australian Local Government Association’s General Assembly in November.

The Department of Transport and Regional Services through the National Office of Local Government recently ran a series of 20 Local Government workshops in regional Australia. I would like to thank those who hosted and participated in these workshops.

Since the last issue of National Perspective, I have visited many parts of regional Australia. Amongst other things, I have attended the Local Government Ministers Conference in Adelaide, launched the National Awards for Innovation in Local Government and attended a Local Government workshop in Townsville. I have also had the opportunity to speak at the Australian Sister Cities Conference in Darwin, the IMM Conference in Canberra, the Western Australian Municipal Association’s Local Government Week Convention in Perth and the Housing Industry Association’s National Planning Conference in Sydney.

Over the next few months I will be involved in some important events affecting Local Government, including the annual conferences of the Local Government Association of Queensland and the Municipal Association of Victoria.

I look forward to bringing you the next issue of National Perspective which will include a special feature on the winners of the National Awards for Innovation in Local Government, announced in November.