Clean and green niche markets

Council has engaged economic development consultant, Bruce Fasham, to work with its agriculture and horticulture sectors in sourcing products for the world marketplace.

With extensive experience both in Australia and overseas, Bruce said that Circular Head has much to offer through high value, agriculture based products.

“This is a market led push,” he said. “We are looking for products for which people are prepared to pay a premium price. Once niche markets are identified, particularly in Japan and North Asia, we will seek investors keen to capitalise on our clean and green produce.”

Currently, most processing of its high quality dairy produce takes place outside Circular Head. Council wants to reverse this situation by attracting industries that will value add within its borders, bringing additional jobs and new prosperity.

“Clean food is the fastest growing food segment in Japan,” Bruce Fasham said. “Some 15 to 20% of consumers are prepared to pay above standard prices to ensure they are purchasing products that are organically grown or have low chemical content.”

This is a growing worldwide trend as people become more aware of risks associated with genetically modified products and the excessive use of chemicals in the food chain.

Clean and green products, such as cheese, icecream, frozen yogurt, baby food and calcium enriched milk drinks, are just some of the potential niche markets being considered.

“Seeing Council and the State Government working together to make things happen is not only important to the local community but also potential investors,” said Mark Goldstone, Manager Development Services.

“New dairying operators are comforted by the fact that Council and the Government are working hand in hand to resolve both infrastructure and environmental issues they may encounter with any development proposals.”