Vision and leadership in waste management

Banyule Mayor Michael Peacock and former State Natural Resources and Environment Minister Marie Tehan opened Stage One of the Banyule MRF and Education facility on 25 August.

Local Government representatives, Federal and State politicians, industry leaders, and waste management organisations from across Victoria gathered to view the new facility. They enthusiastically congratulated Council on its initiative.

Chief Executive Officer Doug Owens said the launch was a celebration of achievement and success. “This is not just an achievement in terms of bricks and mortar,” he said. “It is an achievement of human effort. It is due firstly to the efforts of our Director City Works Ramesh Choudari, and secondly, to Council in having the courage to back Ramesh in this endeavour.”

He acknowledged the contribution of VISY Recycling, noting the facility is an example of the public and private sectors coming together to achieve an outstanding outcome. Chairman of VISY Recycling, Raphael Geminder, said he was delighted that Banyule shared VISY’s vision. He congratulated the City for its vision and leadership. “This is a great example of what can be achieved when Local Government and industry work together,” he said.

Mayor Michael Peacock said the facility is the realisation of the vision and commitment of Council to sustainable recycling. He emphasised the importance of the educational component of the Centre saying it is Banyule’s goal to encourage visitors to think about recycling and to take control and responsibility for waste management.

These views were endorsed by Minister Marie Tehan who said EcoRecycle Victoria could only assist people to recycle with the help of Local Government. Ted Tanner, Chairman of EcoRecycle, said his organisation had a strategy to create a culture of environmental sensitivity in the Victorian community. “EcoRecycle’s job is to ensure the infrastructure is there to enable that to happen,” he said.

Ecocycle contributed $420,000 to the project, comprising an operational material recovery facility, education facility and transfer station redevelopment. “The facility will enable future generations to benefit from improved waste management.”

During the launch guests had the opportunity to view the recycling plant and Education Centre, complete with local students demonstrating the Centre’s features. Guests also observed some of the many interesting adaptations of recycled products, including practical lightweight furniture.