‘Was I going that fast?’*

Fed up with motorists speeding through your school zones, residential areas and work sites? A new, world’s best practice technology is now available to help you combat speeding on your roads.

Queensland company Public Safety Pty Ltd has developed the TRAFFICALM range of products, to complement your traffic calming arsenal. The system displays to motorists an accurate readout of their speed on an easily read, roadside display. Working like a high tech speed hump, brake lights come on and speeds drop to the posted limit.

The effect is instantaneous, not via a fine in the mail, days later. Motorists police themselves. Proven by surveys, Trafficalm reduces speed at the deployment site, has a halo effect downstream, and the speed reductions last after Trafficalm moves on to the next problem location.

Trafficalm achieves greater speed limit compliance than any other method. The Manual system uses a radar gun to target vehicles of interest, a community volunteer favourite. The Automatic system has the radar built in to the display, saving the labour required to operate a radar gun.

Both simply plug in to a cigarette lighter or portable battery pack. And, at last, an affordable, simple and lightweight changeable message Trailer system is also available, for unattended operation.

With TRAFFICALM you can re-educate drivers about speed limits, raise speed awareness, and be seen to respond to complaints. Institute a Speed Awareness Program on your streets.

For more information please visit www.publicsafety.com.au or call 0414 723 389

*Copy supplied by Public Safety Pty Ltd