Cork provides an ideal European base

The Republic of Ireland’s Cork County Council has 48 elected members serving a population of 280,000 people. Cork is the largest of Ireland’s 30 County Councils.

With an annual budget of £150 million ($A350 million), Cork County Council relies on National Government grants, rates from commercial properties and charges to deliver water, sewerage and waste services, roads, fire services, environmental management, planning and development.

Within the County is Cork City Council. With a population of 140,000, Cork City is the Republic of Ireland’s second largest City. The County and City Councils work in partnership in a number of service and program areas.

Local Government services in Cork County are also provided by nine Urban District Councils. The remaining towns, villages, and rural area of 7,500 square kilometres, are fully serviced by Cork County Council.

Cork County has excellent infrastructure, including an international airport, Ireland’s main industrial deep water port, extensive energy resources, a major rail terminal and a modern road network.

As a University City and Centre of Technical Education, Cork has a ready supply of well educated, highly skilled and motivated labour force. A key plank in Cork County Council’s strategic plan is a policy to promote and facilitate industrial development.

Marketing itself as ‘the ideal European base’, the County provides industrial sites, services and an infrastructure framework to attract new developments to locate there.

With Ireland having one of the fastest growing economies in Europe, coupled with low operating costs, low corporate tax and generous incentives, Cork is a very desirable European location for overseas investors.

As well as providing sites for industrial developments, Cork County Council also operates a number of small business incubators to assist fledgling enterprises to get off the ground.