Drug proof your kids

As with any community where there is a large number of families, the issue of young people and drugs cannot be ignored.

When a local church sought Councillors’ support for a drug education program with a difference, Knox responded enthusiastically staging the first Australian trial of ‘Drug Proof your Kids’.

“Like most Councils we are concerned about the potential for youth drug problems,” said Ian Mann Director Service Planning. “So we were happy to agree to sponsor and promote the program in Knox.”

This program focuses less on telling young people what they should or should not do and more on educating parents about how to manage the issues involved in bringing up young people.

“Parents are taught life skills, parenting techniques and are given information to help them relate well to their pre adolescent and adolescent children,” Ian Mann said.

“This can help to avoid the problem altogether by enabling young people to grow up in a supportive environment where they will be less inclined to drug addiction.

“Where drug abuse does exist parents are taught how to provide a supportive and sustainable family relationship to help their child through the problem.

Ian Mann said Council has had very positive responses from families who have attended the sessions and it is supporting expansion of the program.

Recently, several new groups have been funded to run the program. The first trial has proved so successful that many other Councils are now instituting the program in their areas, with the take up rate increasing nationally.

For further information contact Ian Mann, telephone (03) 9298 8000.

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