To help councils prepare for The New Tax System, the Australian Tax Office released a 40-page booklet entitled Local Government and The New Tax System.
Developed in consultation with Local Government Associations, the booklet provides an outline of the new tax system, in particular how the goods and services tax (GST) works.
Copies of the booklet have been sent to all Councils. It can also be downloaded, along with a range of helpful material (including other industry booklets), from the tax reform website at
You can also find out more about the GST and the new tax system through the ATO’s telephone information service by phoning their business Tax Reform Infoline on 13 24 78.
The ATO material will complement activities of State and Territory Local Government Associations in the lead-up to the start of the GST on 1 July this year.
The activities of the Associations are being supported with over $2.5 million in grant funding under the Federal Government’s Local Government Incentive Programme.