Excellence in record management

Victoria’s Swan Hill Rural City Council has won the Sir Rupert Hamer Records Management Certificate of Merit for innovation and excellence in records management. The Awards recognise innovation and excellence in records management within the public sector.

Swan Hill’s award is due to the work of Information Coordinator Heather Fortune and her colleagues in implementing an efficient electronic records management system. On a system operating through 90 computers, staff are now able to access an electronic image of inward correspondence from 10.30 am the day it is received. The registration process is completed by 2pm.

When completed the system will include Swan Hill’s Pioneer Settlement, Regional Art Gallery and Recycling Service. The system relies on a high speed scanner, three computers and three full time employees. All inward correspondence is scanned, catalogued and the original document filed in the fire proof filing room. Internal correspondence is also electronically recorded.

The system guarantees security for correspondence and files, concurrent access for staff, improved response accountability, a decreased records management workload for staff and less paper clutter.

Following amalgamation of the former City and Shire Councils in1995, increased staff and a centralisation of management meant information flow would be best managed through an electronic document management system.

Heather Fortune said the award recognises how far the Council has gone from a fragmented and cumbersome system, where some documents could be lost and people were kept waiting for information. She said she followed Bill Gates theory that information should get to the user rather than the user having to chase it. “It allows people to remain at their desks where they can be most productive,” she said.

For further information contact Heather Fortune, telephone 03 5032 0333