Shire promotes life long education

Victoria’s Shire of Melton has collaborated with local education providers to ensure Melton residents have access to educational opportunities throughout their lives.

Under the Shire of Melton’s Community Education Plan, Council will join with education providers, local businesses and the community to foster ‘whole of life’ education opportunities for pre school to older residents. The Plan was developed by the Melton Shire Education Advisory Committee. Established in 1998, this committee comprises school, university, and Council representatives.

Principles underlining the Plan include the linking of resources and facilities between schools, industry, Council and the community; facilitating cooperative facility infrastructure developments; linking education to future social, technological and economic trends; and developing a local culture where education is valued.

Council’s role will include establishing collaborative structures and mechanisms between schools and relevant community services, which support young people and their families. It will also aim to link economic development to vocational education, increase adult education, employment and training opportunities in the Municipality, and advocate for increased educational resources for the Shire

Chief Executive Officer Adrian Pennell said the plan will firmly establish Melton as a world class learning community. “It is about setting up a partnership between the different players in education to maximise opportunities,” he said.

“In promoting life long learning, it is essential that all aspects of community life are integrated, so all experiences can have a learning outcome. Learning is not just a classroom activity, but can also occur in commercial, leisure, recreation and tourism activities.”

For further information contact telephone Adrian Pennell, telephone (03) 9747 7200