Volunteers gain benefits too

As most Councils are aware, much valuable work carried out in the community relies on volunteers.

This can bring two way gains, with Council and the community benefiting from their work and volunteers gaining useful experience and skills. To coordinate and recruit volunteers, Council runs the Armidale Regional Volunteer Centre which matches volunteers to the type of work they are interested in according to their skills, interest and experience.

The Centre also provides expert assistance to groups, such as non profit organisations, which use volunteers in their work. A recent State Government grant will be used to employ a part time Project Officer to coordinate the volunteers.

Council conducts regular drives to recruit more volunteers. This recruitment has received a boost with Centrelink now referring suitable clients to become volunteers and gain useful experience.

Centrelink provides a screening process for those clients they recommend for volunteer work. This includes an aptitude assessment to ascertain where people will be best suited for volunteer work. An attempt is made to match people’s skills with programs that could later lead to obtaining paid employment.

Volunteers include people with disabilities. Project Coordinator Mary Devine said she works closely with disability services to ensure such voluntary work is successful. “These clients gain a boost to their morale and confidence from their work,” she said. “The social exchange this engenders produces winners all round.” Once selected volunteers may work for any of the 35 organisations in the area that are registered with the Centre.

For further information contact Mary Devine, telephone (02) 6770 3600