A National Training Package for LG

By Nick Crosling, Chief Executive of the National Local Government Industry Training Advisory Board.

The National Local Government Training Package was endorsed by the National Training Framework Committee on 6 March 2000 and agreed by State, Territory and Commonwealth, Vocational, Education and Training Ministers on 21 March 2000.

What is a Training Package?

The development of Training Packages represents a fundamental shift in the relationship between Competency Standards and Qualifications in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. Under the National Training Framework, competencies within Training Packages are now recognised as the basis of recognised national Qualifications.

To establish these Qualifications, the competencies must be grouped or packaged together into combinations that represent a meaningful work related focus, or outcome, which provides defined boundaries and a coherent structure to the qualification.

Different industries have adopted different approaches to structuring their Qualifications within their Training Package. A common approach is to identify some Competency Standards as essential to achieving the qualification; these core units are joined with other units, arranged as electives, to provide choice and flexibility.

A further stage in developing the qualification is to align the group of units to a specific qualification within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) to establish the qualification level and title. The AQF was established in 1995 to provide a ‘comprehensive, nationally consistent yet flexible framework for all Qualifications in post-compulsory education and training’.

There are 12 Qualifications specified in the AQF. Six have direct application to the Local Government VET sector. These are: Certificate I, Certificate II, Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma

It is important to understand that a single AQF outcome may reflect a range of work levels and that the combination of units set out in each qualification may nor reflect every job profile. In respect of the Local Government component of the Qualifications framework, rules have been developed which provide some flexibility to meet particular work needs.

Issuing Qualifications and Statements of Attainment

Under the agreed arrangements of the AQF and the Australian Recognition Framework (ARF), only Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) can issue Qualifications.

A Local Government authority can seek registration through the state training agency or work in partnership with an existing RTO, such as a Technical and Further Education (TAFE) College to enable its employees to receive Qualifications.

While the qualification represents the main end point of achievement, individuals who are assessed against some of the competencies set out in the qualification are entitled to receive a statement of attainment which recognises their partial achievement. The statement of attainment can only be issued by an RTO.

An Overview of the Local Government Qualifications Framework

National Training Advisory Ltd (NTA), the National Industry Training Advisory Board (ITAB) for Local Government, has devised a Qualifications model that is designed to provide maximum recognition, flexibility and portability for persons employed in the Local Government context.

The qualification’s model is based on a framework approach that identifies and incorporates national Local Government Qualifications together with the Qualifications of a wide cross section of relevant Training Packages from other industry and cross industry areas.

The Local Government specific Qualifications are divided into three broad and overlapping qualification pathways, each representing a central focus of Local Government activity.

  • Governance and Administration
  • Planning and Management of the Physical Environment
  • Environmental Health and Regulation

Thirteen separate qualification titles have been developed across these three qualification pathways ranging from Certificate 1 to Advanced Diploma. A fourth qualification pathway, Operational Works is currently being developed and will be endorsed separately and available by June 2000.

Qualifications from other Industry Training Packages

As part of the Local Government Training Package, the Qualifications of other industry Training Packages that have application in the Local Government context are included as part of the framework. These other Training Package Qualifications represent key areas of operations and functions undertaken by Local Government in Australia.

These include Community Services, Horticulture, Libraries & Museums, Building and Construction (Civil Construction & General Construction), Tourism, National Utilities (Water Industry), Asset Maintenance, Asset Development and Management, Public Safety, Outdoor Recreation, Administration, Assessment and Workplace Training, Information Technology and Public Service.

New Apprenticeships and Local Government Qualifications

New Apprenticeships (Traineeships and Apprenticeships) provide one of the approaches for achieving Qualifications in the Local Government Training Package. Other approaches include direct assessment against the competencies for people with relevant workforce experience, workplace training and assessment, and/or off the job training and assessment by an RTO.

All pathways at the Certificate I, II and 111 levels, identified in the framework are potentially accessible as a New Apprenticeship. The capacity to actually create a New Apprenticeship in any of the Qualifications will depend on industry demand, resources available at the State or Territory level and any award requirements.

For further information on the Local Government Training Package, and how it will assist your Council’s training programs, contact your State/Territory Local Government Training Board or the National Local Government Training Board.

In Victoria telephone (03) 9818 1549, NSW (02) 9440 7630, South Australia (08) 8226 2195, Tasmania (03) 6223 7977, The Northern Territory (08) 8981 2550, Queensland (07) 3000 2255, Western Australia (08) 9321 3453.

For further information, contact the National Local Government Industry Training Advisory Board, telephone (03) 9349 3911, fax (03 9349 3730 or email algt@corplink.com.au. For an overview of the Local Government Training Package see www.algt.com.au or www.anta.gov.au

Click here to visit the Australian Local Government Training web site