Newcastle City Council has won the 2000 Australasian Active Learning Management Challenge. Representing New South Wales, the Newcastle team defeated seven other regional finalists from the other States, Northern Territory and New Zealand.
The finalists, Charles Sturt City (SA); Darwin City (NT); Glenorchy City (Tas); Hume City (Vic); Johnstone Shire (Qld); Nelson City (NZ); and City of Swan (WA), travelled to Canberra to complete for the Australasian title.
Following a full day simulated exercise on 28 May, Newcastle was declared the winner during the Institute of Municipal Management National Congress.
The City of Charles Sturt was the runner up, while Hume City Council took out third place.
Once again over 80 teams, comprising up to seven members, participated in this cost effective, management training program.
Teams were assessed on their ability to complete various set tasks, while at the same time dealing with a number of unforeseen events.