President’s comment

Each edition we feature the views of a Local Government Association President. The following is from Councillor Julie Hansen, President, Victorian Local Governance Association.

The representation and advocacy role of Local Government moved into a new era in Victoria recently.

The signing of the Statement of Principles between representatives of East Timor and Victorian Local Governments recently was a crucial step in the ongoing development of productive friendship between communities in Victoria and East Timor.

Why did the VLGA take a leading role in this historic event?

Twelve months ago the VLGA was approached by a number of its members, including Local Governments and communities, to engage in the East Timorese community’s 25 year long struggle towards democracy and freedom.

There was spirited discussion at the VLGA regarding the relevance of taking up this issue. We ultimately came back to the words of our mission statement, ‘to be a principle source of democratic and cooperative leadership to municipalities and associated community groups and to maintain peace, order and good government’.

The VLGA applied this statement to our neighbour East Timor.

We also successfully lobbied the Australian Government to encourage official participation by the Government as witnesses along with representatives from around the world.

At the same time, the VLGA auspiced the Australian East Timor Volunteer Project which enabled some 40 Australians to take part in the international witness program.

The ballot in East Timor, history now tells us, was a historic event. It was the birth of a new nation. Many of us saw the courage and the bravery of the East Timorese.

On the night of the ballot, the CNRT leader, Xanana Gusmao, spoke to a VLGA representative urging Australian’s not to forget them after the ballot.

The signing of the Statement of Principles recently is evidence we have not. Prior to this signing, Local Governments in Victoria were at the forefront on a national scale, responding to East Timor’s needs with donations for humanitarian aid. Many expressed concern and willingness to assist communities in meaningful ways.

A resolution passed at the National Association of Local Government conference in November last year also supported Local Governments in the building of East Timor.

Through an initiative of Moreland City Council, Xanana Gusmao was personally able to sign a Statement of Principles in Melbourne on 4 May, along with the VLGA, MAV and the State Minister for Local Government, Bob Cameron.

He spoke movingly about the blood the East Timorese had shed in pursuit of democracy. He expressed deep appreciation on behalf of his people for the adoption of the statement which symbolised a way forward for continued Local Government involvement.

A number of Local Governments in Victoria have embraced the process of building friendship relationships with cities and communities in East Timor. The statement of principles gives guidance to these friendship relationships that are in their beginning phases.

This issue is a living example that the principles of local democracy, as expressed through Local Government, do extend beyond our state and national boundaries.

The VLGA asks all Local Governments with the communities throughout Australia to consider adopting the Statement of Principles. We urge you to make real and sustainable partnerships with out friends in East Timor.

For further information telephone (03) 9654 0333 or email