Saved from falls

As part of its program to ensure older people in Whitehorse lead an active and full life, Council’s Community Care Department has undertaken an extensive Falls Prevention Project in conjunction with Monash University’s Accident Research Centre.

Manager Community Care, Sandra Hills, explained that even minor falls can cost an older person a great deal in loss of mobility and general health.

“By preventing falls we can save time and money spent on health services, and more importantly, save people the pain, expense and disability that results from many of those injuries,” she said.

Running from 1996 to 1999, the program was three pronged.

It aimed to remove hazards at home; to establish the best vision possible for people at risk; and to improve balance and fitness through a gentle exercise program.

Sandra Hills said results are not yet finalised to confirm the project’s effectiveness, but benefits can already be seen through the social spin offs.

“The program provided contact and companionship for over 1,000 people, including the many volunteers recruited from among the older age group to run it,” she said.

“Even after it finished many participants continued with the exercise classes.”

Other benefits were vision correction for around 138 people and home hazard removal for approximately 420 people.

Results of the program will be available by the end of this year.