Asset valuation streamlined

In 1995, when Warwick Shire Council decided to revamp its asset management system an extensive process began.

Data collection had been in progress since 1995 with checking and verification commencing last year. Warwick Shire’s Finance Department set a completion date of April 1999 for asset valuation reports.

The project aimed to identify, collate and value all of Council’s engineering infrastructure, comprising of roads, bridges, drainage, water and sewerage systems, thereby satisfying the requirements of the Australian Accounting Standard 27 (AAS27).

The project has also put in place a system where information is available to all Council staff to assist in maintenance works, future planning and budgeting, and resolving customer enquires.

Other aims included simplifying the process of asset valuation; developing and maintaining a construction cost database using actual data for the determination of base unit rates; enhancing the continuing development of a digital database for all Council assets; and transfering relevant information to Asset Management and GIS.

The asset valuation part of the project was completed and archived for the last financial year. Data is continually revised to keep the information current.

Engineering consultants were engaged to produce valuation methodology. However data collection was carried out inhouse.

Personal computers, capable of storing large volumes of data and performing many calculations, were used by staff to complete this task.

Warwick Shire now has an accurate record of its entire engineering infrastructure in digital format.

These asset registers are available for use by any member of staff so that any enquiries can be solved quickly by referring to the current live data.

As the information is now held in one place and is more accurate, it will improve future planning decisions.

With Council now able to produce quick cost estimates for upgrading or new works, applications for increased funding are greatly enhanced.

For further information contact Chris Lawson, Manager Works, telephone (07) 4661 0415.