Renewal on a suburb wide scale

Part of plans to renew the City to improve safety and community amenity includes enhancement works in older suburbs.

The Langford area of Gosnells has suffered a poor image due largely to a concentration of unattractive blocks of flats and poorly designed public housing.

Now a private development group, Voran Consultants on behalf of the Ministry of Housing, is set to remake the area under the State Government’s $30 million urban renewal program that is consistent with Council’s aims.

The $17 million Langford program has formal Council support through a Memorandum of Understanding. Under this, Council will complement Voran’s work with road improvements, planning assistance and other services.

Council work has commenced on a new entry statement to the area, with another planned to include a community based feature park.

The one difficulty with the project, as the Director Strategic Planning, Stuart Jardine, sees it, is having seen the changes this has raised the aspirations of residents of other older suburbs who are now wanting the same.

He said there are plans afoot to do this where possible. The success of this program is a vindication of Voran’s decision to work closely with the Gosnells community and find out what residents really want.

He said they have developed a ‘whole of suburb’ approach to design out the problems of the area. The company has a proven track record, having successfully carried out similar programs already elsewhere in Western Australia. Currently, 18 properties have been refurbished with a further 12 under way.

Existing tenants have the option of buying their renovated homes. Financial assistance is available through a variety of options, including the Aboriginal Home Ownership Scheme, GoodStart, and Access Home Loan.

Provision is also being made to ensure rental properties are available.

“Ultimately we want a vibrant City and this redevelopment will go a long way to achieving that,” Stuart Jardine said.