When the Shire of Katanning in regional WA decided to develop a regional standard sport and recreation facility in 1994, it was faced with a difficulty familiar to most Councils &emdash; how to raise the $1.1 million needed to complete the project.
“Our community sadly lacked the opportunity for year round access to indoor leisure activities and we had a number of sporting clubs using smaller venues throughout the Shire,” said then Manager of Financial Services, Henry Eaton.
“The community decided it would be better to consolidate these venues into a central location to improve Council’s long term maintenance capacity.”
But how? It was a daunting task for a small community of 4,500 people.
“Council employed a fundraising consultant to review other models and we stumbled upon a possible lifeline,” Henry Eaton said.
“We were informed of a Federal Government initiative that offers tax deductible status to donations made in support of projects such as ours.
“We actively embraced the opportunity to work with the Australian Sports Foundation and community representatives to establish a pledge program and general donation scheme.
“The Shire was successful in establishing a fundraising committee with several well known local identities and business people and was community driven.
“Pledges were received on the basis that a donor could pay their pledged amounts over a three year period to the ASF.”
The Shire successfully raised over $1.052 million for the construction of the facility in only five months, a reflection of the community’s commitment to the project.
The ASF helps many other Councils access tax deductibility for donations in support of a range of facility projects, including golf courses, tennis courts and grandstands.
The Greater Taree Council in regional NSW and its partnership with a community fundraising body, the Manning Swim and Leisure Centre Inc, is a current success story. More than $200,000 in donations have been collected from its community in support of a $6 million state of the art aquatic and leisure centre.
The ASF’s criteria also allows non profit organisations, such as sporting and community groups and schools, to register projects which help develop sport in other categories including:
- feasibility studies
- equipment purchase
- national or state team travel
- hosting a major event
- sports development activities including specialised training, scholarships and coaching clinics.
When a project has been approved and registered, the organisation is able to bank donations on behalf of the ASF, publicise the registration and encourage donors to nominate their project as the preferred beneficiary.
Each organisation receives an operations kit explaining the banking and administration procedures. Donations are returned to the community in the form of grants.
For further information on the Katanning project, contact Henry Eaton, now Director of Corporate Services Shire of Greenough telephone (08) 9921 2533 or henryeaton@greenough.wa.gov.au
For further information on the ASF, contact Karin Hughes on 1300 361 236 or info@asf.org.au or www.asf.org.au